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What is Hybrid Heating?

Hybrid heating

A hybrid heating system incorporates a renewable heat source such as an air source heat pump with your existing traditional boiler to create one highly efficient heating solution.

Hybrid systems will use smart technology to automatically switch between your boiler and heat pump based on which is most suitable and energy efficient at any time, offering all the benefits of renewable energy whilst maintaining all the comfort and efficiency of oil or gas heating.

Why are hybrid energy solutions required?

Hybrid heat pumps are becoming more and more common in the UK and widespread installation could be the key to significantly reducing the country’s dependence on fossil fuels.

For many, meeting the heat requirements of your home through a heat pump alone may not be viable, especially in Scotland where there are a multitude of older large buildings that can only be fitted with limited insulation and therefore leak a lot of heat energy.

How do hybrid heat pumps work?

Hybrid heat pumps work by integrating a heat pump into your existing home heating system to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

By doing this, your hybrid heating system will be able to select the most effective heating source at any one time by monitoring outside temperatures and automatically switching between the heat pump and boiler depending on the observed conditions.

During the summer, your home’s heating requirements will likely be able to be provided solely by your heat pump, where as your boiler is cheapest to run, and most effective when temperatures drop in the colder winter months.

Are hybrid heat pumps energy efficient?

Superb energy efficiency is one of the main benefits of a hybrid heating system.

Air source heat pumps generate 3-4 units of heat energy for every 1 unit of electricity that they use to keep running, meaning they can achieve an incredible 300-400% efficiency rate.

To put this in perspective, traditional heating systems such as electric radiators and gas boilers can only achieve a maximum of 100% and 94% respectively.

Will hybrid heat pumps reduce my energy bills?

With the current energy crisis in the UK escalating wildly out of control, many are looking for a way to cut back on their annual bills.

Installing a hybrid heat pump is estimated to reduce the average UK homeowner’s heating bill by a whopping 50%, as although a heat pump does require a small amount of electricity to run, the decrease in the amount of time you will have to use your gas or oil boiler for will far outweigh these costs.

Installing a heat pump is also a great way to protect your home against price hikes in the future as you will not be so financially reliant on the fluctuations of fuel prices.

Are hybrid heat pumps long-lasting?

Very. The average boiler has a lifespan of 10-15 years but considering that your heat pump will do the legwork for a large percentage of the year, reducing the strain work your boiler has to do, hybrid heating can last significantly longer.

When you install a hybrid heat pump with Greener Energy Group you will also receive an unrivalled guarantee on your heat pump, meaning that if something does go wrong you don’t have to worry about expensive repair or replacement costs.

Is there Government Funding Available?

The UK Government has made a commitment to ensure the country becomes carbon neutral by 2050 and encouraging people to switch to more sustainable home heating systems is key to achieving this.

In Scotland alone, around 15% of the country’s entire carbon output is generated by home heating systems, so the Government has put in place a number of incentives to encourage people to make the switch to renewables.

Not only is there a current Government scheme offering those looking to install an air source heat pump with up to £13,900 towards installation costs, generating heat using any form of renewable energy system will qualify you for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).

The RHI scheme requires energy providers to pay homeowners for every kWh of heat energy they generate using a heat pump or similar, on a quarterly basis for 7 years after installation.

Is a hybrid heat pump suitable for your home?

For many people who are looking to invest in renewable energy, installing a hybrid heating Glasgow system may be unnecessary, and for thousands of our customers, a heat pump alone is more than enough to provide all the heat requirements for their home.

If you are unsure if your home could benefit from a hybrid system, take our HOME SUITABILITY SURVEY.

Contact Us Today

For more information on hybrid heat pumps, contact Greener Energy Group today on 03335 77 66 99, or info@greenerenergygroup.co.uk.

We have over 30 years experience providing bespoke energy solutions to customers across Scotland and pride ourselves on our fantastic customer service and our expert sales team will be delighted to answer any questions you may have.