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14 great ways to improve construction site security

construction site security

Construction security is crucial in preventing theft, trespassing, and vandalism from taking place on site.

Every year in the UK millions of pounds is lost from the industry as a result of stolen good and property damage so without effective security, you could stand to lose thousands of pounds on a single project.

Beyond this, children often see construction sites as exciting and fun, as opposed to hazardous and potentially deadly, so it is vital that access control is extremely tight.

Here are 14 of the best ways to increase your construction site’s security:

1. Access Control

Knowing who is on site at any one time is crucial to protecting staff wellbeing.

By implementing a sign in sign out procedure, supplemented by biometric technology such as fingerprint or facial recognition you will be able to check that everyone is safe in the case of an emergency and prevent unauthorised individuals gaining access.

2. Badges

Requiring that badges, hard hat stickers or other visible identification is worn whilst on site is another way to track the movement of authorised personnel.

3. Install a fence

Protecting your site’s perimeter with a minimum 2m high fence is a good way to ensure children cannot easily gain access.

To make the perimeter more secure to intruders and thieves you could consider an electric or spike topped fence but ensure the relevant signage and safety protocols are followed when installing such a measure.

4. Monitor Entrances

Biometrics are great but having a human security guard at all entrances is still the best way to check that no-one enters the site unchallenged without the relevant permissions.

5. Supervision

If you have visitors on site, make sure that someone with the relevant authority is accompanying them at all times as they may be unaware of safety protocols.

6. Education

Ensure that all members of staff are aware of all safety protocols in place on site.

These should be reinforced through signs and regular training.


CCTV is a great way to track what is going on throughout your entire site.

Modern technology means this can now be done from anywhere in the world via mobile device.

If a criminal offence does occur CCTV will also be invaluable in assisting the police in their inquiries.

8. Alarm System

An alarm system is another excellent deterrent to intruders activating if the integrated motion sensors detect that someone has entered a restricted area.

The loud audible warning emitted from the alarm will alert your security team, and anyone else nearby, and will cause the intruder to make a quick retreat in the vast majority of cases.

9. Secure the Site at night

Make sure that all gates and other entry points are securely locked at the end of normal working hours.

To ensure that this is done thoroughly every single time, consider using the keyholding services of a professional security firm who will use their expertise to ensure the entire site is secure before opening up and closing at the end of the day.

10. Cover Fall Hazards

Covering up pits and trenches, or using a barrier system to block them off, can help reduce the chances of a trespasser accidentally falling in and being seriously injured if they attempt to enter your site during the night.

11. Consider the local area

The safety measures on your site may depend on the nature of the surrounding area.

For example, if the site is located in a city, or near to a school, you may need to take extra steps to prevent trespassing such as installing a taller fence, or limiting the noise created by the site in the evening to avoid breaking regulations.

12. Employ security staff

Security staff are a fantastic addition to your security system and can perform a vast number of tasks that will improve the safety of a construction site

Some of the tasks performed by security officers on construction sites include mobile patrols, access control, monitoring CCTV, attending alarm activation, reviewing current emergency procedures, and contacting the emergency services directly should a dangerous incident develop.

13. Remove Ladders

It is essential that ladders or anything else that may make it possible for children or other unauthorised individuals to climb structures or scaffolding on your site is securely stored away out of hours.

This will make your site less appealing to trespassers in search of a challenge and reduce the risk of falls and accidents.

14. Maintenance

Putting security measures such as CCTV, fences, and alarms in place is all very good, but is vital that you conduct regular maintenance to ensure that these systems are not deteriorating.

Make sure that you check all aspects of your construction site security system regularly from the start to the finish of your construction project to guarantee maximum security throughout.