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Holidays and Home Security


Going on holiday is often a very exciting time – but it’s vital to remember the security of your home before going on holiday. Empty homes are frequently targeted by thieves and burglars. In this article we’ll look at the approaches you can take to ensure your home is kept safe while you’re on holiday.


Alarms and CCTV

Alarms and CCTV systems are an excellent approach to home security in any situation. Modern Alarm and CCTV systems are backed up by high quality software and monitoring systems that keeps false alarms to a minimum and allow you to protect your home 24/7. These systems can also be specifically configured to suit the needs of your home – while systems like remotely monitored alarms mean that if anything happens, a local response from the police will occur even if you are thousands of miles away from your home.

Many burglars and thieves will avoid a property with alarm systems Glasgow and CCTV systems because they are aware the potential to be caught and prosecuted is raised significantly. As a result, the presence of alarms and CCTV systems alone is often enough to keep your property safe.

Remember to properly set up and service your security system!

Many people purchase alarms and CCTV systems (and home security systems in general) but do not familiarise themselves with the systems or even set them up. As a result, they are effectively unprotected, and furthermore, the systems are increasingly vulnerable to suffering faults or errors.

It is vital that your security system is set up. While its presence is invaluable, if it’s not functioning as intended then in a worst-case scenario you are incredibly vulnerable.

Remember to get your security system serviced

If your security systems are not properly serviced on a regular basis then they are likely to suffer faults, errors, and other issues. They may be configured improperly or have other problems too. This means it is very important to have the system serviced on a regular basis. While this cannot guarantee the system won’t suffer faults, it can prevent them from happening or resolve the problem before your holiday starts. There’s nothing worse than, while you’re on holiday, having your alarm system going off day and night. In these cases, there’s very little anyone can do, since an engineer cannot go onto your property to resolve the issue without you being present.

Furthermore, if you have not had your alarm systems serviced, you may not be liable to make insurance claims.

Lighting and other inexpensive options

Automated lighting, lamps, and other inexpensive lighting options are a fantastic way to give your home the appearance of activity while you’re on holiday. Thieves will avoid properties they think are occupied. Timed lighting systems also mean it’s harder for thieves to sneak onto the property without being detected as well. These are a relatively cheap way to secure your home while you’re away on holiday and a great choice if you’re worried about the security of your home.

Making sure everything is locked up

Even with Alarms and CCTV systems running, it is vital to ensure before you leave that your home is properly locked – every door and every window will need to be properly secured. Determined thieves will check every potential entry point. A good thing to do is to not only double check, but have friends or family check your home once you’ve left as well.

Physical Barriers

Alongside CCTV and alarms, it’s important to have physical barriers in place to prevent thieves from being able to enter either your garden or your home. High hedges, locked gates, and locks on windows are all excellent approaches to the protection of your property.

Getting Neighbours, Friends, and Family to help

One of the best ways to protect your home and property is by bringing in friends, family, and your neighbours. Having someone watch your house and regularly check on it can often keep snooping burglars away, while having someone park their car in your drive can do a huge amount to keep thieves and burglars away. Criminals will avoid properties they believe to be occupied and the presence of a car is often enough to ward them off. They will usually not take the risk of attempting to enter a property which has the potential of being already occupied

Avoid posting about your holiday online

Many criminals actively monitor people’s social media to see if they are on holiday and if their property is empty. This means they unfortunately pay close attention to people’s social media, and messages or photos about being on holiday are used to find empty homes.

It can be best to start posting about your holiday once you’re back in your home.